11. 2D Vector Playground

Program your Own Matrix Function

Practice coding matrices in C++. In this exercise, write a function that has two integer matrices as inputs and then outputs the sum. Assume that the two input matrices have the same size (e.g. matrix one is 5x3 and matrix two is 5x3).

You can find an implementation in the solution.cpp tab if you'd like to compare your solution.

You can use the Test Run button to run your code.

Start Quiz:

//TODO: Write a function that receives two integer matrices and outputs
// the sum of the two matrices. Then in your main() function, input a few
// examples to check your solution. Output the results of your function to 
// cout. You could even write a separate function that prints an arbitrarily 
// sized matric to cout.

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>

using namespace std;

vector < vector <int> > matrixsum(vector < vector <int> > matrix1, vector < vector <int> > matrix2);
void matrixprint(vector < vector <int> > inputmatrix);

int main() {

	// declare two matrices
	vector < vector <int> > matrix1 (5, vector <int> (3, 2));
	vector < vector <int> > matrix2 (5, vector <int> (3, 26));

	//declare an empty matrix to hold the result
	vector < vector <int> > matrixresult; 

	//calculate the sum of the two matrices
	matrixresult = matrixsum(matrix1, matrix2);

	// call the matrix print function to print out the results

	return 0;

//function to add two matrices together
vector < vector <int> > matrixsum(vector < vector <int> > matrix1, vector < vector <int> > matrix2) {

	// declare a matrix with the same size as matrix1 and matrix2
	vector < vector <int> > matrixsumresult (matrix1.size(), vector <int> (matrix1[0].size(), 0));

	// iterate through matrix1 and assign the sum of each element to the results matrix
	for (int row = 0; row < matrix1.size(); row++) {
		for (int column = 0; column < matrix1[0].size(); column++) {
			matrixsumresult[row][column] = matrix1[row][column] + matrix2[row][column];


	return matrixsumresult;


// function to print an integer matrix
void matrixprint(vector < vector <int> > inputmatrix) {

	for (int row = 0; row < inputmatrix.size(); row++) {
		for (int column = 0; column < inputmatrix[0].size(); column++) {
			cout << inputmatrix[row][column] << " ";
		cout << endl;
